I decided it was time to post some pictures of my little monkey, as we like to call her. Cortlynn is such a bright light in my life and I love to look at her pictures. She is always pulling a cheesy smile and loves to get her picture taken. So here are some of my favorites.
Cortlynn sitting on her four wheeler she got for Easter this year. She still has a hard time riding it but we still have a lot of fun.
Cortlynn decided her pom-pom would make a great wig.
For my graduation present, Scott took me to St. George this May to do some shopping. So, Cortlynn got to stay over at Grandma Carrie's for a couple of days. She was a big help to grandpa while he was mowing the lawn.

My mom is such a great grandma to Cortlynn, she was so excited because grandma made her, her very own bed to sleep on. She had so much fun, she didn't want to come home.