Thursday, April 29, 2010

Catching Up

Wow it has been a long time since I have posted. Things at our house have been extremely busy since we tore our kitchen apart and have been living without one for about 5 weeks now! (No, I do not recommend it!) Hopefully we will only be kitchen less for 3 more weeks or so and then we can actually cook again! Yeah! ( I never thought I would actually be excited to cook again!) So here is a little update on the kids.

Kyson is getting bigger and bigger each day! He is six and a half months old and can now sit up by himself and rarely falls down anymore. He has also discovered his walker. I put him in it for the first time yesterday and within 10 minutes he figured out that he could push himself backwards. He thought that was the neatest thing and traveled across the family room within 5 minutes. I absolutely love this little boy he is so sweet even though he has turned into a major mammas boy and freaks out if i turn around and he can't see me!

Cortlynn is as busy as ever! She absolutely loves her big brother and doing anything and everything she possibly can. She currently wants to grow up to be a ballerina and loves going to play with her new friend Hallie. She also can't wait to go to preschool in the fall, she asks me all the time if she gets to go to school yet. I love this little girl, even when she drives me crazy because were so much alike!