Kyson was born on October 11, 2009 at 11:27 AM. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20 1/2 inches long. Everything went great and he is a very healthy baby boy.
Proud daddy holding his baby boy.
All cleaned up after his first bath.
Me, and Cortlynn holding baby Kyson for the first time. She was so excited her baby brother was here she wanted to go home immediately.
Our first family picture with our new addition.
Grandma Carrie with Kyson.
Grandpa Bryon
Aunt Kathy
Uncle Todd
Aunt Amberly
Aunt Analisha
Grandpa Craig
Grandma Betty
Aunt Alecia
We are so grateful for all of our family who has supported us and helped us with Cortlynn and everything during this past week and previously as well. We are extremely lucky to have all of you in our lives. We did have others come to visit but sometimes the camera didn't make it out.
Proud daddy holding his baby boy.
All cleaned up after his first bath.
Me, and Cortlynn holding baby Kyson for the first time. She was so excited her baby brother was here she wanted to go home immediately.
Our first family picture with our new addition.
Grandma Carrie with Kyson.
Grandpa Bryon
Aunt Kathy
Uncle Todd
Aunt Amberly
Aunt Analisha
Grandpa Craig
Grandma Betty
Aunt Alecia
We are so grateful for all of our family who has supported us and helped us with Cortlynn and everything during this past week and previously as well. We are extremely lucky to have all of you in our lives. We did have others come to visit but sometimes the camera didn't make it out.