Sorry it has been so long since I posted last, life definitely gets crazy when you bring a new baby home. The past two months have definitely been a fun, crazy, hectic time. But I have loved every minute of it. Kyson is such a good baby, he is usually very happy and content until he gets hungry or has a tummy ache, that's when his temper shows up. All things considered. i'll take it. With Corytlynn she always had to be bounced or entertained it seemed. So Kyson is a definite change. The past two months have definitely been a difficult adjustment for the whole family. I am surprised we haven't gone more crazy being together so much. I have been used to going to work and she was used to getting to go play at one of her grandma's houses every other day. But we are adjusting and trying to find new ways to keep us entertained each day. Since I do still work from home it is hard to fit everything in that I need and want to, but I am so lucky to have such a great and helpful husband and family members who also offer to help whenever I need it. These are some pictures I took the week we brought Kyson home from the hospital. He is now two months old, so I will try to post as much as I can today.

Kyson at 1 week old.

Cortlynn loves to sit in her chair beside her little brother. She is such a good and loving big sister, sometimes too loving but what can you do?

This is Kyson when he was 5 days old, I absolutley love this picture he looks so handsome and peaceful.

This is pretty much what we did for the first few weeks, I am so sad to see this stage go because now he has become so much more alert and awake, but I am excited for the new stages.